Addresses the myths and unintended consequences of recent residency restrictions on registered sexual offenders. Includes facts, best practices, and recommendations from professionals in law enforcement, criminal justice, social services, mental health, etc.
DC Public Safety provides brief programs for the public on crime, criminal offenders and criminal justice. This document is a transcript of interviews with sex offender community supervisory agents discussing the challenges of providing a comprehensive system for managing sex offenders in the community: including labor intensive active supervision (ratio of 23 offenders to one agent), home visits, aligning with family members, PPG, Polygraph, GPS monitoring and treatment. The links will take you to an audio or video version of the interviews.
This 124-page document produced by the American Probation and Parole Association for staff education. It is divided into five sections: Developing or enhancing the use of electronic supervision tools, Obtaining and maintaining needed resources, Making technical decisions, Supervising offenders with electronic technologies, and Program Accountability.
This document published by the Center for Sex Offender Management contains brief definitions of number of terms and concepts referenced in their training Curriculum "overview of Sex Offender Treatment for a Non-Clinical Audience"
In a 1999 article in the Psychiatric Quarterly, forensic psychiatrist J. M. W. Bradford of the University of Ottawa, Canada, suggests a comorbidity of OCD and paraphilias. Studies of SSRI’s in treating sexual deviancy suppressed deviant urges, while allowing normophilic arousal; a humane preference over chemical castration.
This 331 page manual synthesizes the concepts and tools from both cognitive restructuring and cognitive skills into one "completely integrated and seamless intervention."