
There is little sound empirical research on the role of pornography in the commission of sex crimes against children. This annotated bibliography represents the fruit of numerous PsychInfo, Eric, and National Library of Medicine (PubMed) searches on this topic beginning in the late 1990’s and updated through early 2008. Some articles support a connection between pornography/child pornography and hands-on sex crimes/child molestation. Others found no support for such a hypothesis. At least one article supports the notion that ready availability of pornography might, at least in some instances, reduce the likelihood of hands-on sex crimes. Michael Seto summed the data up rather nicely when he wrote, “The evidence for a causal link between pornography use and sexual offending remains equivocal. . . . . Individuals who are already predisposed to sexually offend are the most likely to show an effect of pornography exposure and are the most likely to show the strongest effects. Men who are not predisposed are unlikely to show an effect; if there actually is an effect.” (Seto, M. C., A. Maric, et al. (2001). “The role of pornography in the etiology of sexual aggression.” Aggression & Violent Behavior 6(1): 35-53.)